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    Cruising through many states of America, remnants of eateries of the past can still be found. Travel back to a stage in time with me to rekindle the memories of food franchises and the lost cuisine of bygone days. We can remember the presence of these dining experiences in their heyday long ago, but still etched in moments and recollections.

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    Mr. Fables

    Date Established

    Mr. Fables was a chain of cafeteria-style family restaurants located throughout Western Michigan. Two cousins formed the chain after taking over the Kewpee Beefburger stand from, dad and uncle, Gerald Boyles. The name "Fables" was the result of putting together the last names of the two cousins: Faber & Boyles. It was known for its olive burgers and secret recipes for Mr. Fables hamburger dressing and onion ring batter. At its peak, the chain had 17 restaurants but fell victim to the national chains in the late 1990s. The stores had many of the optimum real estate locations in the Grand Rapids area and were sold off piece by piece with the last one to close was in 2000.