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    Cruising through many states of America, remnants of eateries of the past can still be found. Travel back to a stage in time with me to rekindle the memories of food franchises and the lost cuisine of bygone days. We can remember the presence of these dining experiences in their heyday long ago, but still etched in moments and recollections.

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    Hot Sam Pretzels

    Date Established

    With the idea of presenting a new take on the pretzel buyer who had to purchase them for street vendors in entrepreneur Julius Young took a chance and began selling them at a mall in Michigan in 1966. He was a success but over the years the chain changed hands to at first General Host in 1971 and then again to Mrs. Fields in 1995. With the added acquisition of another pretzel company in 1990 both franchises merged into a new name Pretzel Time. Hot Sam was recreated in 2018 for an appearance in the mall food court of the Netflix series Stranger Things, which is set in the mid-1980s.