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    Cruising through many states of America, remnants of eateries of the past can still be found. Travel back to a stage in time with me to rekindle the memories of food franchises and the lost cuisine of bygone days. We can remember the presence of these dining experiences in their heyday long ago, but still etched in moments and recollections.

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    Fresh Choice

    Date Established
    Sunnyvale, California

    The first restaurant was ready to receive customers by Martin Culver, Brad Wells, and Ken Oppeltz in 1986 at the Cala Shopping center in Sunnyvale, California. This led to more locations after inviting investors with their ideas until over fifty more destinations were achieved in multiple states. It offered lower calorie fare and better options than some other food chains at the time with fresh items on the menu. But alas by 2012 their entire franchise began to close under the Fresh Choice name and a few in California were rebranded to California Fresh.